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Tantric Massage

Tantric Massage Sensational Massage

  • 1 hour
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

Traditionally, a Tantric lifestyle was achieved through the practice of mantras, meditation, yoga, and spiritual rituals including massage. Nowadays, it is predominantly associated with sex and whilst there is most certainly a link, there is way more to this practice than sex alone. So how then does Tantra apply to massage? What makes a tantric massage different to say a Swedish or Thai massage? Tantric massage is a full body massage that focuses on certain chakras to help move energy around the body and to arouse sexual energy. It requires the deepest level of relaxation from the recipient in order to build up waves of energy and as such it is the masseur’s job to really connect with the person they are massaging and to gauge how they respond to their touch. It is the ultimate release if you like, a chance to free yourself of all inhibitions, to overcome negative barriers, and to become emotionally enlightened and empowered. What distinguishes tantric massage from other massage techniques is that the masseur uses their whole body to massage you rather than just their hands, which can open doors to newfound sexual freedom. Like most other massage techniques, one of the key purposes of tantric massage is to relax the body, and this brings about numerous health benefits in its own right. Dive deeper into the art of tantric massage and unravel its secrets with insights from The Legendary Lover.

Contact Details

England, UK

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